It's SHOOTEN' Time!!
2024 Match Dates

2nd Saturday 4th Sunday
May 11 May 26
June 8 June 23
G.A.F. June 29
July 13 July 28
Aug 10 Aug 25
Sept 14 Sept 22
Oct 12 Oct 27
Nov 9 (???)

Registration 8 A.M. Safety meeting 8:45

How to Get to the Dry Gulch Ranch Cowboy Range

Hope to see you there!!

Made the papers

[font=times new roman,times,serif]If'n you want to see the pictures you can go to the SASS website download the current Chronicle and scroll down to page sixty. Did my best to cut and paste the article, but didn't get it to work the way I wanted. [/font]<br />
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[color=rgb(15.400000%, 14.900000%, 15.200000%)]Page 60 [/color][color=rgb(15.400000%, 14.900000%, 15.200000%)]Cowboy Chronicle [/color][color=rgb(15.400000%, 14.900000%, 15.200000%)]June 2015[/color]<br />
[color=rgb(57.700000%, 22.300000%, 20.200000%)]The SASS Scholarship Foundation [/color]<br />
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[color=rgb(57.700000%, 22.300000%, 20.200000%)]. [/color][color=rgb(15.400000%, 14.900000%, 15.200000%)]THANKS AGAIN, [/color][color=rgb(15.400000%, 14.900000%, 15.200000%)]By Jeweler Jim, SASS #50409, Life/Regulator [/color]<br />
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[color=rgb(15.400000%, 14.900000%, 15.200000%)]Edited by Justice Lily Kate, SASS #1000 [/color]<br />
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[color=rgb(57.700000%, 22.300000%, 20.200000%)]Rockford, [/color][color=rgb(57.700000%, 22.300000%, 20.200000%)]IL. [/color][color=rgb(15.400000%, 14.900000%, 15.200000%)]Am I bragging or saying thank you? Actually, a bit of both, and we should all be bragging, saying thank you, and be proud of what the SASS Scholarship Foundation has done since its inception in 1999. In sixteen years, the Foundation has awarded 300-plus scholarships for a grand total of almost $650,000.00. [/color]<br />
[color=rgb(15.400000%, 14.900000%, 15.200000%)]While they&rsquo;re not current recent recipients, I&rsquo;ve got a set of twins who have individually been schol- arship recipients in the past. I think we can be proud of both of them along with all the other re- cipients past, present and future. My twins started Cowboy Action ShootingTM around 2003 with their [/color]old man, with the idea that it might be something they could actually enjoy doing, even if I was there with them. It seems their mother, and perhaps a few of the other relatives, weren't that keen on all that stuff with guns, hunting, and fishing (too many things being field dressed in the back yard, don't you know). The kids took to it like ducks to water and while they can't participate as often as they'd like, I'm hoping the three of us get to shoot the last St. Jude Match together this year. <br />
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[color=rgb(15.400000%, 14.900000%, 15.200000%)]Leadfoot Lizzie, SASS Life #50411, works as a registered nurse in a special needs pediatric practice. She's also making noises about going back to school to become a nurse practitioner. She loves working with the kids and sometimes with "the old man." Lizzie also helps me a lot when we shoot because she puts the gun cart together, packs and un- packs the gear, and otherwise does the heavy lifting. It's good to have a younger partner that will do everything except clean the guns. [/color]<br />
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[color=rgb(15.400000%, 14.900000%, 15.200000%)]Sicilian Kid, SASS Life #50410, was awarded his [/color]Doctorate of Optometry in May and is waiting for the state to send his certification while figuring out where he'll be practicing. It is my hope that regardless of where he ends up, he'll find the magic wand to fix or restore a sight picture for me when I shoulder the long guns. This has been a long time coming, as any of you know who have watched or encouraged someone pursuing a doctorate degree. Even with all the help or encouragement, I find it unbelievable as to the final cost and commitment that this type of endeavor costs for those who pursue it. Just the entrance exams would have disqualified me. <br />
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With two children in the medical field, I think they'll do well regardless of the latest changes from the Health Care Initiative. Obviously, the real help came from SASS members and fellow shooters who have donated to the Scholarship Foundation. The twins were mentored over the years in a whole lot more than the shooting sports. Some might give a lot of the credit to the way they've turned out to their mother (and rightfully so), but while "a village" didn't raise them, the character building does also come from watching how others handle themselves at matches over the years. They always gave as good as they got while working on the posse, when shooting, and before and after the matches. They never had any difficulty getting recommendations when they applied for the scholarships. <br />
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So here is one more vote of thanks to Justice Lily Kate, SASS #1000, President and CEO of the Schol- arship Foundation, and all the rest of you who have helped over the years to bring the twins along. I like to believe that the positives exhibited at the matches and in our shooters is the rule rather than the exception. Furthermore, the positives learned on the range will continue to be exhibited in the rest of our endeavors in life. You&rsquo;ve all helped make Lizzie and Kid into people who are fun to be around and a positive force wherever they choose to be. There&rsquo;s the payback! <br />
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And here's a reminder… an occasional charity shoot for the scholarship fund ain't a bad thing. My friends and I ( have put on a few charity shoots over the years, but we still haven't paid back in monies what we've received. Kudos go out to all who support the Scholarship Foundation so deserving youth can achieve their educational/career dreams!


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