It's SHOOTEN' Time!!
2024 Match Dates

2nd Saturday 4th Sunday
June 8 June 23
G.A.F. June 29
July 13 July 28
Aug 10 Aug 25
Sept 14 Sept 22
Oct 12 Oct 27
Nov 9 (???)

Registration 8 A.M. Safety meeting 8:45

How to Get to the Dry Gulch Ranch Cowboy Range

Hope to see you there!!

ISRA Thursday Bulletin

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ISRA Thursday Bulletin - October 29, 2015
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I know most Illinois citizens are upset with what is going on in Springfield so let me clear it up for you. Illinois is not the worst government in the United States - it is the Federal Government in Washington DC. Feel better now?<br />
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Hillary Clinton skated through the Benghazi Committee relatively unscathed. The only new revelation was that Ambassador Chris Stevens emailed requests for additional security more than 600 times. He probably should have requested a donation form for the Clinton Foundation; I bet he would have gotten a reply then.<br />
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In Israel we are seeing attacks on Israeli citizens. Eventually, I predict, this will come to the good old USA. These are termed "lone wolf attacks". I think we should refer back to WWII and think about BBC broadcasts that used code words to activate various resistance units throughout Europe. We are much more sophisticated today, in a variety of ways. Now we use social media to instigate attacks when the attacker is ready. Just because they seem random doesn't mean they are. What they are is unexpected. Since predictability is impossible, the only person who can stop them is the intended victim.<br />
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If you haven't taken a concealed carry class you should, as soon as possible. Once you have your ICCL, you can then look into advanced handgun skill classes and a class that deals with the events that surround self-defense action. I would suggest Massad Ayoob's MAG-40 class, which the ISRA Range will host on May 19-22, 2016. I also suggest that you get every member of your family a FOID card. It would be nice to have 2,000,000 FOID card holders before the spring legislative session.<br />
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Italy, like the United States, is facing wholesale prisoner releases. These are "non-violent" people, mostly drug dealers. They are just like the non-violent guy in New York (that was released because he only had 28 drug arrests) who shot a police officer to death last week. The Mayor of Piedmont, Italy, is so upset about these prison releases that he is giving citizens of his community up to 250 euros (about $275) to buy a gun to protect themselves and other citizens - my kind of mayor.<br />
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