Bad weather tonight and Sunday.. See you May 11

October 2015 Match

The targets are all painted orange with black pumpkin faces, spiders, RIP and scary words like BOO!<br />
Hope to see you at our last match of the year.<br />
Regards,<br />
Pat "Shamrock" Gannon


  • Hey guys! I'm coming out early Sunday to rake and sweep. I would much appreciate it if one of the able-bodied could stick around with me after the match to help me take down signs and fixtures. Thanks in advance. Portly.
  • Snidely WhiplashSnidely Whiplash A legend in his own mind.
    'I wrote:
    <br />
    Hey guys! I'm coming out early Sunday to rake and sweep. I would much appreciate it if one of the able-bodied could stick around with me after the match to help me take down signs and fixtures. Thanks in advance. Portly.<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    Just remind me on Sunday that I volunteered.<br />
    <br />
    Snidely "plausible deniability" Whiplash
  • Wrangler RichWrangler Rich Bronc Stomper
    We still have 500+ acres of corn to get out, so if anyone could help Portly out, I would appreciate it. <br />
    Combine broke yesterday, and parts will be here this morning, so it will be another long day getting it back together and in the field.<br />
    <br />
    Thanks,<br />
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