It's SHOOTEN' Time!!
2024 Match Dates

2nd Saturday 4th Sunday

Sept 14 Sept 22
Oct 12 Oct 27
Nov 9 (???)

Registration 8 A.M. Safety meeting 8:45

How to Get to the Dry Gulch Ranch Cowboy Range

Hope to see you there!!

Photo Gallery

dddd Gnome, gnome on the range!
Many folks often send me photos they have taken at our shoots for posting on the website. Unfortunately, I don't always have the time to do so. But as a service to the cowboy community, the Good Guys Posse has purchased software to enable members to post their own photos on the Hitching Post. That software is now up and running (there still may be a glitch here and there until I get everything tweaked).<br />
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Anyone can view these photos by clicking on the word "Gallery" in the upper righthand part of the screen. In order to post photos you must be a badge-toting member of the Good Guys Posse. If so, you already are able to post photos. If you are a registered member of the Hitching Post but not a member of the Posse, you will need to e-mail me so I can give you access. Anyone else can view the photos but not post them.<br />
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To post photos, click on "My Controls" above then look for "Your Albums" on the left side of the screen. Just follow the instructions to set up an album and post your photos.<br />
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We do have limits on storage space and bandwidth (how much is up and downloaded from the site), so try to keep your photos no larger than 640 X 480 and compressed in jpg or JPEG format. I'll monitor our useage and if it gets near our limits, we'll have to cut back a bit. In the meantime, have fun with it!<br />
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PS - Please only post photos related to cowboy activities.<br />
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Take care and enjoy! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
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