It's SHOOTEN' Time!!
2024 Match Dates

2nd Saturday 4th Sunday
May 11 May 26
June 8 June 23
G.A.F. June 29
July 13 July 28
Aug 10 Aug 25
Sept 14 Sept 22
Oct 12 Oct 27
Nov 9 (???)

Registration 8 A.M. Safety meeting 8:45

How to Get to the Dry Gulch Ranch Cowboy Range

Hope to see you there!!

Ha! This is really special!

dddd Gnome, gnome on the range!
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As many readers know by now, Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart today announced that he would seek passage of a county concealed carry ordinance in the likely event that the Illinois General Assembly failed to pass a state-wide CCW law by the court-imposed June 9 deadline.<br />
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Under Dart’s proposal, law-abiding Cook County citizens would have to report to the sheriff’s office, hat in hand, and try to convince Dart that their lives were worth protecting. If Dart was feeling particularly benevolent that day, the citizen could then grease Dart’s palm with a $300 application fee before being subjected to who knows how many additional indignities at the hands of Dart’s political hacks. If the applicant survived this rigorous process, they’d be able to carry a concealed firearm under what promises to be the most restrictive concealed carry ordinance in the nation.<br />
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Dart’s proposal is an insult to the good people of Cook County. But, that is to be expected from a guy who spent a decade in the General Assembly carrying water for the gun control movement. What really raises eyebrows is Dart’s supposed reason for making the ordinance so restrictive. According to published reports, Dart wants to prevent Cook County from becoming like the “wild west.” Our only response is that the good sheriff should pick up a newspaper once in a while and read it.<br />
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Readers should note that the ISRA will never support any form of “may issue” concealed carry. Likewise, we will not support any proposal that carries exorbitant fees, useless red tape, or other features designed to discourage law abiding citizens from protecting themselves.<br />
<br /> is what you must do to ensure that “shall issue” concealed carry becomes reality:<br />
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1. Call your Illinois State Representative and Illinois State Senator. Politely tell the person on the phone that you are a law-abiding Illinois gun owner and that you will not support any form of “may issue” concealed carry. Politely inform the person that you expect the representative or senator to vote for “shall issue” concealed carry when it comes to a vote in their chamber. If you do not know who your State Representative or State Senator is, the Illinois State Board of Elections has an interactive search page here:<br /><br />
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If you already know who your legislators are and just need the contact info, you can find that and here:<br />
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2. Pass this Alert on to your friends and family; tell them to make calls as well.<br />
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3. Post this alert to any and all Internet blogs or bulletin boards to which you belong.<br />
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4. Make a generous donation to the ISRA today...we need your financial help to win this war against the anti-gunners.<br />
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Remember – only you have the power to ensure victory for “shall issue” concealed carry!
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Please make a donation on-line here , or over the phone at 815-635-3198. If you would like to mail or fax a donation, we have a printable form here . <br />
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If you're not an ISRA member, now is the time. You can join on-line , or over the phone at 815-635-3198. You can download a printable application form here .<br />


  • Snidely WhiplashSnidely Whiplash A legend in his own mind.
    Hopefully, it won't come to county-by-county permit laws (or city ordinances), but if it does, I think everyone should take the same advantage of it that the Sheriff will. If Sheriff Dart gets his permit law, I think anyone who travels into, or through Cook County, or think they might at any time in the future, should contact the Cook County Sheriff's department and ask for a CCW permit. Per http://www.cookcount...ntact_main.html the snail mail address is:<br />
    <br />
    Cook County Sheriff’s Office<br />
    50 W. Washington<br />
    Chicago, Illinois 60602<br />
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    I would suggest sending a letter with no phone or e-mail contact information, requesting a concealed carry permit application so the Sheriff's office has to take the time and money to send a snail mail reply. Encourage all your friends, neighbors, and relatives to send in a request for the application. If they post a downloadable form on the Sheriff Department's web site, I would suggest downloading it. Encourage all your friends, neighbors, and relatives to download it. If the Illinois concealed carry situation bogs down to county and municipality-level permits, I would suggest copying this message and cross-posting it to every firearms, sporting, and political forum you have access to.<br />
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    In the mean time, since Sheriff Dart appears to be infected with the old "Wild West" phobia,<br />
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    http://www.suntimes....ils-to-act.html<br />
    "If legislators don’t meet a June 9 court deadline to pass such a law, anyone with a state firearm owner’s identification card could legally walk anywhere in public with a concealed weapon, Dart said. “We would have the Wild West,” he said. “There would be no regulation.”<br />
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    Dart said he’s proposing a concealed-carry law for Cook County that would take effect only if the General Assembly failed to act by June 9 and the court didn’t extend the deadline.<br />
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    “I was in Springfield for 11 years,” Dart said of his time as a legislator. “Deadlines sometimes don’t mean anything. We have to be prepared in the event something does not get done.”<br />
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    Dart’s ordinance would give him the power to approve and reject licenses to carry concealed guns in Cook County. Applicants would have to pay a $300 fee for a license. Dart said he thinks the ordinance would apply not only to Cook County suburbs, but also to the city of Chicago in the absence of a state law governing concealed carrying of guns."
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    you might want to write him a letter asking how Cook County has coped with the vast numbers of refugees from Indiana who have fled that state's concealed carry permit law violence since 1980, or how many of the Wisconsin residents fleeing the violence from their more recent concealed carry permit law have wound up in Cook County.
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